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Showing posts from July 9, 2006

The Acton Experience - 7/10/06

I am still working hard to get caught up on my readings for Acton.   If pre-matriculation is an omen of the work load I can expect, I am going to be in for a busy year.   Here's what the June 12 assignment looked like: Your Entrepreneur’s Toolkit This was a how-to for creating a journal to document all of the work that you do during the course.   There are columns for "lessons learned" and "what I still need to learn."   Basically, it's an approach for capturing your notes on your assignments in an organized and concise manner. The Entrepreneurial Journey: Course Introduction An overview of the curriculuum involved in the Entrepreneur's Journey course: Introduction, Opportunity Analysis, Gathering Resources and Launching, Entrepreneurial Growth and Harvesting the Rewards. The Ultimate Fit Checklist This is the framework developed at Harvard Business School for evaluating business opportunities.   The framework is: Opportunity (What are the Key Success Fa...